Is Homework Actually Useful?

Nejra Hojic
Edited by Kelly Ayala
Published on
October 30, 2023

Homework has been a longstanding tradition in education, often eliciting mixed feelings from students and parents alike. While some argue that homework can be burdensome and counterproductive, numerous studies in neuroscience and educational research suggest that it plays a crucial role in reinforcing classroom learning, fostering essential skills, and preparing students for future success. Understanding the usefulness of homework can make it much easier for us to do it, as individuals will know they aren't wasting their time. 

Enhancing Memory

Neuroscientists have found that spaced repetition, a technique often employed through homework assignments, can significantly improve memory retention. According to a study conducted by Pashler et al. (2007), spacing out study sessions over time strengthens memory recall. When students revisit and review material over time, it strengthens the connections in their brains associated with that knowledge. When a subject is learned in school, there is a period of time for the material to stick into your brain, and recalling that information while doing homework makes that connection stronger. It also simultaneously serves as a consolidating tool, where information is transferred from your short term memory to your long term memory in a process known as memory consolidation. In a study done by Ellenbogen et al. (2007), sleep was found to be vital in this process. Doing your homework before bed can enhance the memory consolidation during sleep and improve your learning. 



The brain’s ability to change and adapt, known as neuroplasticity, is essential for learning. It allows our minds to grasp onto and apply abstract concepts. Neuroplasticity is most common amongst young children, which allows them to learn so much information so quickly. However, homework provides opportunities for students to engage their brains in different ways, fostering this adaptability. A study by Draganski et al. (2004) found that learning-induced structural changes in the brain are closely related to the amount of time spent practicing a skill, emphasizing the importance of regular homework practice.

Problem-Solving Skills

Homework assignments often require students to apply what they’ve learned to solve new problems. This challenges their brains to think critically and develop problem-solving skills, which are valuable in various aspects of life. According to a study by Trumbull and Lash (2013), problem-based homework assignments can significantly improve students’ critical thinking abilities, as students cannot simply ask for help. This allows them to stick with problems for much longer than they normally would, allowing their brains room to grow. 

Time Management

Completing homework tasks within deadlines encourages students to manage their time effectively, a skill that is vital not only in academics but also in future careers. Research by Hafen et al. (2019) suggests that developing time management skills through homework can lead to better academic outcomes and reduced stress levels among students, which will help, not only school related things, but beyond. 

Attention and Focus

Doing homework helps improve attention and focus. A study by Anderson and Dill (2000) found that engaging in tasks that require sustained attention, such as homework, can enhance the brain’s ability to focus on specific tasks. This is particularly important in our digital age, where distractions are abundant. Homework trains the brain to concentrate on specific tasks. This will help individuals learn in school as they have an easier time giving their undivided attention to a single task. 


Neuroscience studies have shown that self-discipline, a trait cultivated through homework, is a better predictor of academic success than IQ. Homework strengthens the brain’s executive function, aiding in planning, organization, and impulse control. Research by Duckworth and Seligman (2005) highlights the significance of self-discipline in achieving long-term goals, including academic success. By continually doing homework, you are training yourself, and by extension, your brain to have a strong sense of discipline. 


Homework often requires students to reflect on their own learning processes. This metacognition, or thinking about thinking, helps students become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses, leading to more effective learning strategies. A study by Schraw et al. (2006) underscores the role of metacognition in academic achievement, showing that students who engage in metacognitive practices perform better in their studies.

Personalized Learning 

Neuroscience research indicates that personalized learning experiences can have a more profound impact on long-term memory and comprehension. A study by Pellegrino et al. (2001) highlights the importance of adapting educational strategies to individual learning styles, a principle that can be applied to homework assignments. This is especially important for students dealing with subjects on concepts they struggle with, as they are able to practice it more. In neuroscientific terms, practice leads to myelination, the process of building up the protective sheath around neurons that makes them function more efficiently. Homework provides ample practice, helping students master skills and knowledge. A study by Jenkins et al. (2010) suggests that repeated practice of skills, as often seen in homework assignments, leads to improved neural connectivity associated with those skills. 

Preparation for Future Learning

Homework not only reinforces current lessons but also prepares students for future learning. It encourages a growth mindset, where challenges are seen as opportunities for growth, a mindset that is beneficial throughout life. Research by Dweck (2006) highlights the significance of a growth mindset in achieving academic success and lifelong learning.

While the debate over the quantity and nature of homework continues, neuroscience studies consistently highlight the cognitive and behavioral benefits of homework when appropriately designed and implemented. Homework is not merely a mundane task; it is a powerful tool for shaping young minds, enhancing their cognitive abilities, and preparing them for a lifetime of learning and success. The evidence from these studies strongly supports the continued use of homework as a valuable educational practice.

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